After reviewing the facts, I've realize I haven't given PINK the respect it deserves. More so, I've totally underestimated it.
it has its own fragrance from Victoria's Secret. Want to know what PINK smells like?
Check it out at your nearest VS or Bath & Body Works store. This shower gel is one of my all-time favorites.

Or, what a "pink slip" means? (Yikes!)
Pink even has its own celebrity musician.

If that isn't enough to show pink's new-found power in the world, then take a look at this...................................................

Pink construction equipment!
Now if only I could find myself a pink lawnmower. Or even, a pink hammer. Or, a pink power-drill. Surely, this world has room for one of those, if not all of them. Connections, anyone? Because I'm tickled pink at the thought.