Hooray! I have been wanting to get back into doing this blog series for a while, and at last, here we are!
I have so many wonderful books to share. This time I'll be focusing on books that can be enjoyed in both a home and school setting--no matter the level--they're THAT GOOD! I teach high school science, and I'm always thrilled when I can see ways to weave fiction or informational fiction into learning and the nonfiction side of it. And if I find a book that can make reading AND learning fun, then you know it has to be fantastic. In this series I'll also be recommending companion books that can be paired with the daily feature title for similar or cross-curricular themes.
Day One is kicked off with a new favorite book: The Collectors, written and illustrated by the immensely talented Alice Feagon. When I look back at all the new releases I've read in 2021 and reflect on a list top ten, I can guarantee that this book will be sitting among the titles.
From the engaging prose to the amazing artwork to the captivating story that inspires wonder and exploration of our natural world, this story speaks to my scientifically-educated heart. In addition, big, bold words like Too Heavy!, Too High!, and Too Hidden! are excitingly kid-centric and will draw readers in to both text and illustration.
I imagine young readers will be eager to forge into amassing their own collections of things that interest them, or simply step outside to explore. After being limited in this kind of movement through the last year and a half, isn't outdoor exploration what we all are eager to return to doing?
I especially appreciate Feagan's depiction of the scientific approach to cataloging items that are collected by Winslow and Rosie. This part of the story can provide a handy tool for teaching the process of discovery science in the classroom.
I highly recommend The Collectors by Alice Feagan. This book deserves an active spot in any book collection.
Companion books that I recommend focus on a starting or expanding a different type of collection--one that involves growing a collection of cultural experiences and friendships.
The Star Festival, written by Moni Richie Hadley and illustrated by Mizuho Fujisawa
Festival of Colors, written by Kabir Sehgal and Surishtha Sehgal and illustrated by Vashti Harrison
Dia De Los Muertos, written by Roseanne Thong and illustrated by Carles Ballesteros
The Invisible Boy, written by Trudy Ludwig and illustrated by Patrice Barton
Be Kind, written by Pat Zietlow Miller and illustrated by Jen Hill
See you on Day 2 for my next book recommendations!
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